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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e53706, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1514630


RESUMO. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar o uso do Grupo Multifamiliar Musicoterapêutico (GMM) junto a famílias socialmente vulneráveis. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-intervenção realizada em uma região administrativa do Distrito Federal. Participaram do estudo 30 famílias inscritas no Cadastro Único do governo federal e atendidas no Centro de Referência em Assistência Social. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram as visitas domiciliares, as entrevistas semiestruturadas e os registros dos encontros e das supervisões. O GMM foi realizado em seis encontros, com duração de 03 horas cada, com periodicidade quinzenal, intercalados com as supervisões da equipe, formada por 15 profissionais das áreas de psicologia, pedagogia, assistência social e musicoterapia. Após a análise foram identificados dois temas: 1) música, afetos e reminiscências; 2) música e sonhos. Percebeu-se que as experiências musicais auxiliaram as famílias na conscientização das formas violentas de comunicação e na transformação por meio de expressões afetuosas mediadas pela música e seu potencial de evocar memórias e sonhos. A capacidade imaginativa das famílias foi uma estratégia de enfrentamento às adversidades e se constituiu como ponte entre o real e o imaginário, nutrindo a esperança de uma vida melhor. Destaca-se o valor da música que, com rapidez e emocionalidade, acessa e comunica com o tal público, por favorecer intervenções musicoterapêuticas comunitárias.

RESUMEN. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar el uso del Grupo Musicoterapéutico Multifamiliar (GMM) con familias socialmente vulnerables. Se trata de una intervención-investigación realizada en una Región Administrativa del Distrito Federal. Participaron del estudio 30 familias que se encuentran inscritas en el Registro Único del Gobierno Federal y que son atendidas en el Centro de Referencia de Asistencia Social. Los instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron: visitas domiciliarias, entrevistas semiestructuradas y registros de reuniones y supervisiones. El GMM fue realizado en seis encuentros, con una duración de tres horas cada uno. Los encuentros se realizaron cada dos semanas, intercalados con la supervisión del equipo, formado por 15 profesionales en las áreas de psicología, pedagogía, asistencia social y musicoterapia. Después del análisis temático, se identificaron dos temas: 1) música, afectos y reminiscencias; 2) y música y sueños. Se observó que las experiencias musicales ayudaron a las familias en la concientización de las formas violentas de comunicación y en la transformación por medio de expresiones afectuosas mediadas por la música y su potencial para evocar recuerdos y sueños. La capacidad imaginativa de las familias fue una estrategia para enfrentar las adversidades y se constituye como un puente entre lo real y lo imaginario, alimentando la esperanza de una vida mejor. Se destaca el valor de la música que, con rapidez y emotividad, accede en y se comunica con esa población, favoreciendo las intervenciones de musicoterapia comunitaria.

ABSTRACT: This research aims to investigate the use of Multi-family Music Therapy Group (MMG) with socially vulnerable families. This is an intervention research carried out in an Administrative Region in the Federal District of Brazil. The study included 30 families enrolled in the Federal Government's Single Registry and assisted at the Social Assistance Reference Center. The data collection instruments were: home visits, semi-structured interviews, and records of meetings and supervisions. The MMG was carried out in six meetings, lasting three hours each, every two weeks, interspersed with the supervision of the team, which was formed by 15 professionals from the fields of psychology, pedagogy, social assistance, and music therapy. After the thematic analysis, two themes were identified: 1) music, affections, and reminiscences; and 2) music and dreams. It was noticed that the musical experiences helped the families in the awareness of violent forms of communication and in the transformation through expressions of affection mediated by music and its potential to evoke memories and dreams. The families imaginative capacity was a strategy to face adversities and constitutes a bridge between the real and the imaginary, nurturing the hope of a better life. The value of music is highlighted, which quickly and emotionally accesses and communicates with that audience, favoring community music therapy interventions.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Women/psychology , Disaster Vulnerability , Family Relations/psychology , Music Therapy/instrumentation , Patient Care Team , Social Support , Dreams/psychology , Emotions/physiology , Family Support/psychology , Imagination/physiology , Memory/physiology
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 409-424, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971584


For decades, memory research has centered on the role of neurons, which do not function in isolation. However, astrocytes play important roles in regulating neuronal recruitment and function at the local and network levels, forming the basis for information processing as well as memory formation and storage. In this review, we discuss the role of astrocytes in memory functions and their cellular underpinnings at multiple time points. We summarize important breakthroughs and controversies in the field as well as potential avenues to further illuminate the role of astrocytes in memory processes.

Astrocytes , Neuronal Plasticity/physiology , Memory/physiology , Neurons/physiology , Cognition/physiology
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 8(1): 1-13, mar. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151562


Este trabajo busca verificar la relación entre la calidad de vida y los aspectos sociodemográficos y cognitivos de las personas mayores participantes de grupos sociales. El método utilizado para estos fines es el estudio epidemiológico, cuantitativo, de diseño transversal, realizado en grupos de personas mayores residentes en una capital del sur de Brasil. Se utilizaron cuatro cuestionarios referentes a caracterización sociodemográfica, calidad de vida, aspectos cognitivos y queja de memoria subjetiva. Los resultados arrojaron datos respecto a la diferencia significativa en la calidad de vida y sus dominios en términos de edad, educación, ingresos y región de residencia y aspectos cognitivos. Las respuestas obtenidas en las preguntas generales del instrumento mostraron que la calidad de vida fue considerada buena por 176 de los encuestados, equivalentes al 54,83% y 151 encuenstados que representan el 47,04% se consideraron satisfechos en términos de salud en general. Por lo tanto, las conclusiones dan luces sobre los aspectos sociodemográficos, así como los cognitivos, están asociados con la calidad de vida de las personas mayores activas del municipio. Se enfatiza la queja de memoria subjetiva, que mostró relación con todos los aspectos analizados de la calidad de vida. Los datos obtenidos pueden servir como insumos para ampliar las posibilidades de promover la salud y la calidad de vida de la población envejecida.

Objective: To verify the relationship between the quality of life and the socio-demographic and cognitive aspects of the participating elderly people from social groups. Methods: Epidemiological, quantitative, cross-sectional design study, carried out in groups of elderly people living in a capital city in southern Brazil. Four questionnaires were used concerning sociodemographic characterization, quality of life, cognitive aspects and subjective memory complaints. Results: There were significant differences in the quality of life and its domains in terms of age, education, income and region of residence, and cognitive aspects. The answers obtained in the general questions of the instrument showed that the quality of life was considered good by 176 (54.83%) of the respondents and 151 (47.04%) were considered satisfied in terms of overall health. Conclusion: Socio-demographic aspects, as well as cognitive aspects, are associated with the quality of life of active elderly people in the municipality. The complaint of subjective memory is emphasized, which showed a relationship with all the analyzed aspects of the quality of life. The data obtained can serve as inputs to expand the possibilities of promoting the health and quality of life of the elderly population.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Quality of Life , Cognition/physiology , Cognitive Aging , Social Support , Brazil/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Memory/physiology
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 15(1): 18-25, oct. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353711


Esta investigación se propuso determinar el funcionamiento neuropsicológico de los procesos de memoria y funciones ejecutivas en el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES). Se planteó como un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño comparativo-correlacional y siguiendo un modelo no probabilístico para la selección de la muestra. Participaron 68 personas divididas en dos grupos equitativos, homólogos en edad, género y nivel de escolaridad. Se emplearon escalas para la medición de la funcionalidad en actividades cotidianas, y test estandarizados para la medición de los procesos de memoria y funciones ejecutivas. Se encontró que, el LES afecta la memoria verbal para información con contexto, tanto en almacenes de corto como de largo plazo, y la memoria visual a largo plazo; los pacientes presentan mayores fenómenos patológicos asociados a intrusiones y perseveraciones, y afecta el reconocimiento de la información; también altera la regulación conductual y la velocidad de procesamiento de la información, entre otras capacidades cognitivas, destacándose la tendencia al pensamiento concreto. Logró determinarse que el LES dificulta el funcionamiento de estos procesos cognitivos de forma diversa en sus diferentes formas de actividad funcional, siendo susceptible de modificar su influencia al considerarse factores como la edad, el tiempo en que tarda en establecerse el diagnóstico y el tiempo en tratamiento.

This research aimed to determine the neuropsychological functioning of memory and executive functions processes in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). It was proposed as a study with a quantitative approach, comparative-correlational design followed by a non-probabilistic model for sample selection. 68 participants were divided into two equitable groups, peers in age, gender and level of education. Scales were used to measure functionality in daily activities, and standardized tests for the measurement of memory and executive functions processes. It was found that SLE affects verbal memory for information with context in both short and long-term stores and long-term visual memory, patients present greater pathological phenomena associated with intrusions and perseverations and affects the recognition of information; it also alters the behavioral regulation and the speed of information processing, among other cognitive abilities, highlighting the tendency to concrete thinking. It was determined that SLE hinders the functioning of these cognitive processes in different ways and different forms of functional activity, being able to modify their influence by considering factors such as age, time it takes to establish the diagnosis and time in treatment.

Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar o funcionamento neuropsicológico dos processos de memória e funções executivas nos lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES). Para isso, foi proposto um estudo com abordagem quantitativa, design comparativo-correlacional e seguindo um modelo não probabilístico para a seleção da amostra. Participaram 68 pessoas que foram divididas em dois grupos equitativos, pares em idade, gênero e nível de educação. Foram usadas escalas para medir a funcionalidade em atividades diárias, bem como testes padronizados para a medição de processos de memória e funções executivas. Verificou-se que o LES afeta a memória verbal para informações com contexto em armazenes de curto e longo prazo e em memória visual de longo prazo; os pacientes apresentam mais fenômenos patológicos associados às intrusões e perseverações, e afeta o reconhecimento da informação; altera também a regulação comportamental e a velocidade do processamento da informação, entre outras habilidades cognitivas, destacando a tendência ao pensamento concreto. Assim, determinou-se que o LES dificulta o funcionamento desses processos cognitivos de diferentes formas de atividade funcional, sendo suscetível de modificar sua influência quando são considerados fatores como a idade, o tempo em que tardou para estabelecer-se o diagnóstico e o tempo sob tratamento.

Humans , Adult , Executive Function/physiology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/physiopathology , Memory/physiology , Autoimmune Diseases/physiopathology
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 15(1): 06-11, oct. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353760


La esclerosis múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica que cursa con la desmielinización y la neurodegeneración a nivel del sistema nervioso central. Existen tres tipos de EM en función de la progresión de la enfermedad, pero la mayor parte de los pacientes tienden a presentar déficits cognitivos. Por lo tanto, resulta imprescindible el desarrollo de programas de entrenamiento cognitivos dirigidos a la mejora de estos déficits y, en definitiva, a la mejora de la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. En este sentido, el objetivo principal de este estudio fue la puesta en marcha de un programa de entrenamiento cognitivo dirigido a un paciente con esclerosis múltiple progresiva primaria (EMPP) a lo largo de un año. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que algunos de los déficits cognitivos que presentó inicialmente el paciente mejoraron tras varios meses de intervención. En este sentido, el paciente presentó notables mejoras en el control inhibitorio y la flexibilidad cognitiva. No obstante, los déficits en la velocidad de procesamiento se mantuvieron constantes a lo largo de toda la intervención. Asimismo, aparecieron otros déficits a lo largo de la intervención que remitieron tras la adecuación de los objetivos de intervención. Por todo ello, nuestro estudio reforzó la importancia de la puesta en marcha de los programas de rehabilitación cognitiva dirigidos a pacientes con enfermedades desmielinizantes para paliar las secuelas cognitivas derivadas de las mismas. Además, es importante que estos programas de entrenamiento cognitivo sean revisados periódicamente para adecuar los objetivos del tratamiento.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that involves demyelination and neurodegeneration at the level of the central nervous system. Despite the different characteristics of each of the three types of MS, most patients with this disease present significant cognitive deficits. Therefore, it is essential to develop cognitive training programs to improve these deficits and, ultimately, increase the quality of life of these patients. Thus, the main objective of this study was to implement a one-year cognitive training program with a patient with progressive primary multiple sclerosis (PPMS). The results showed that some of the cognitive deficits the patient initially presented improved after several months of intervention. In this regard, the patient presented noteworthy improvements in inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility. However, deficits in processing speed remained constant throughout the intervention. Likewise, other deficits appeared during the intervention that remitted after adapting the intervention objectives to the patient's needs. Therefore, our study reinforces the importance of implementing cognitive rehabilitation programs for patients with demyelinating diseases to alleviate the cognitive sequelae they produce. In addition, it is important to evaluate these cognitive training programs periodically in order to adapt the objectives and improve the patient's functionality.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Multiple Sclerosis/rehabilitation , Quality of Life , Demyelinating Diseases , Treatment Outcome , Cognition/physiology , Executive Function/physiology , Memory/physiology , Multiple Sclerosis/physiopathology
Rev. bras. neurol ; 56(2): 46-52, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103037


The nature of memory and the search for its localization have been a subject of interest since Antiquity. After millennia of hypothetical concepts the core memory-related structures finally began to be identified through modern scientifically-based methods at the diencephalic, hippocampal, and neocortical levels. However, there was a clear temporal delay between the finding of these anatomic structures ignoring their function, and their identification related to memory function. Thus, the core structures begun to be identified with a pure anatomical view in the late Middle Ages on, while the memory function related to them was discovered much later, in the late Modern Period.

A natureza da memória e a busca de sua localização tem sido objeto de interesse desde a Antiguidade. Após milênios de conceitos hipotéticos as estruturas centrais relacionadas com a memória finalmente começaram a ser identificadas através de métodos modernos com base científica, nos níveis diencefálico, hipocampal e neocortical. Entretanto, houve um claro retardo temporal entre o achado dessas estruturas anatômicas ignorando sua função e sua identificação relacionada à função da memória. Assim, as estruturas centrais começaram a ser identificadas com uma visão puramente anatômica da Idade Média tardia em diante, enquanto a função da memória relacionada com as mesmas foi descoberta muito mais tarde, no Período Moderno tardio.

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Cerebral Cortex/anatomy & histology , Cerebrum/anatomy & histology , Memory/physiology , Neocortex , Diencephalon , Hippocampus
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 14(2): 1-7, dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102535


Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de las emociones en los procesos de memoria declarativa en personas con enfermedad de Alzheimer. Para esto, se planteó un estudio con diseño comparativo-correlacional y modelo no probabilístico. Participaron 160 adultos mayores, 80 con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Alzheimer y 80 con envejecimiento normal, homólogos en edad, género y nivel escolar. Se encontró que, de forma general, las emociones negativas favorecen la codificación, almacenamiento y evocación de la información en personas con Alzheimer, más que las positivas, y la mayor influencia se haya en contenidos de información asociados a emociones como miedo y tristeza. Asimismo, el brindar claves semánticas posibilita una mayor cantidad de información a ser evocada. La memoria en el envejecimiento normal y patológico se beneficia de los vínculos establecidos entre la información y las emociones contextuales al momento de registrarla y almacenarla, por lo que, siendo la memoria uno de los principales deterioros en la enfermedad de Alzheimer, este vínculo es clave en el abordaje de la patología y los programas de intervención clínica.

The objective of this research was to determine the influence of emotions on declarative memory processes in people with Alzheimer's disease. A study with a comparative-correlational design and a non-probabilistic model was proposed. 160 elderly people participated, 80 with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and 80 with normal aging, homologous in age, gender and school level. It was found that in general negative emotions favor the coding storage and evocation of information in people with Alzheimer's disease, rather than positive ones, and the greatest influence is on information content associated with emotions such as fear and sadness. Likewise, providing semantic keys allows a greater amount of information to be evoked. Memory in normal and pathological aging benefits from the links established between information and contextual emotions at the time of recording and storing it since memory is one of the main impairments in Alzheimer's disease, this link is key in the approach of pathology and clinical intervention programs.

O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar a influência das emoções nos processos de memória declarativa em pessoas com doença de Alzheimer. Para isso, foi proposto um estudo com modelo comparativo-correlacional e não probabilístico. Participaram 160 idosos, sendo 80 com diagnóstico de doença de Alzheimer e 80 com envelhecimento normal, homólogos em idade, sexo e nível escolar. Achou-se que, em geral, as emoções negativas favorecem a codificação, armazenamento e evocação de informações em pessoas com doença de Alzheimer, ao invés das positivas, e a maior influência está no conteúdo de informação associado a emoções como medo e tristeza. Da mesma forma, fornecer chaves-semânticas permite que uma quantidade maior de informações seja evocada. A memória no envelhecimento normal e patológico se beneficia das ligações estabelecidas entre a informação e as emoções contextuais no momento de registrála e de armazená-la, de modo que, como a memória é um dos principais prejuízos na doença de Alzheimer, essa ligação é fundamental na abordagem da patologia e dos programas de intervenção clínica.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Emotions/physiology , Alzheimer Disease/physiopathology , Alzheimer Disease/psychology , Aging/physiology , Cognition/physiology , Memory/physiology
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(11): 4163-4170, nov. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039531


Resumo Este estudo propôs a avaliar o nível de atividade física e o estado cognitivo de idosos usuários das Unidades Básicas de saúde (UBS) do Município de Maringá, Paraná. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo, de corte observacional e transversal, realizado com 654 idosos, de ambos os sexos, usuários das UBS. Foi utilizado um questionário sociodemográfico, o Mini exame do estado mental e o International Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), versão curta. A análise dos dados foi realizada mediante o teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Qui quadrado, Kruskal-Wallis e "U" de Mann-Whitney, adotando significância quando p < 0,05. Os idosos não realizam atividades físicas vigorosas e poucas atividades moderadas durante a semana. Porém, apresentaram alto escore na orientação temporal (Md = 5,0), Orientação espacial (Md = 5,0), memória imediata (Md = 3,0), evocação (Md = 3,0) e linguagem (Md = 8,0). Ao comparar o estado mental em função do nível de atividade física dos idosos verificou-se que os Muito ativo/ativo possuem melhor atenção e cálculo (p = 0,036), evocação (p = 0,001) e estado cognitivo geral (p = 0,002), se comparado aos irregularmente ativos e sedentários. Níveis adequados de atividade física podem estar relacionados a melhores escores de funções cognitivas de sujeitos idosos.

Abstract This study proposed to evaluate the level of physical activity and the cognitive state of elderly users of Primary Care Facilities (UBS) of the Municipality of Maringá, State of Paraná, Brazil. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, epidemiological study with 654 elderly men and women UBS users. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) were employed. Data was analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney "U" tests, with a significance level of p<0.05. However, they evidenced a high score in temporal orientation (Md = 5.0), spatial orientation (Md = 5.0), immediate memory (Md = 3.0), recall (Md = 3.0) and language (Md = 8.0). When comparing the mental state according to the level of physical activity of the elderly, we observed that very active/active individuals had better attention and calculation (p = 0.036), recall (p = 0.001) and general cognitive status (p = 0.002) against irregularly active and sedentary elderly. Adequate levels of physical activity may be related to better scores of cognitive functions of elderly subjects.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Primary Health Care , Exercise/psychology , Cognition/physiology , Mental Recall/physiology , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sedentary Behavior , Orientation, Spatial/physiology , Mental Status and Dementia Tests , Memory/physiology , Middle Aged
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 79(supl.3): 29-32, set. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040546


Las investigaciones recientes demuestran que mientras estamos tranquilamente durmiendo nuestro cerebro está muy ocupado procesando la información obtenida a lo largo del día. Asimismo, la falta de sueño ocasiona problemas en la consolidación de la memoria. El sueño juega un papel fundamental en el adecuado desarrollo del cerebro en crecimiento y muchos de los fenómenos de plasticidad cerebral ocurren durante el sueño. A nivel celular, los ciclos circadianos coordinan complejos mecanismos de "encender y apagar" genes y estructuras que regulan individualmente y colectivamente las funciones de cada célula del organismo y a su vez de cada órgano, cada sistema fisiológico, para finalmente producir un perfecto equilibrio en el funcionamiento mental, emocional y sistémico del individuo. El sueño influye en los procesos de memoria, aprendizaje, estados de ánimo y comportamiento, en las respuestas inmunológicas, procesos metabólicos, niveles de hormonas, digestión y muchas más funciones fisiológicas. Aquí presentamos una breve revisión de tres aspectos fundamentales relacionados con el sueño, enfocado especialmente en el efecto que tienen en procesos de aprendizaje y memoria: a. actividad eléctrica cerebral durante el sueño y correlación neuroanatómica con los mecanismos fisiológicos de memoria y aprendizaje; b. ciclos circadianos y su importancia en el funcionamiento de diferentes sistemas fisiológicos; c. algunos ejemplos de trastornos clínicos asociados con trastornos del sueño y sus repercusiones en aprendizaje y memoria.

Recent studies have demonstrated that while we are sleeping, our brain is very busy processing all information we have acquired along the day. Lack of sleep has shown to produce deficits in memory consolidation and plays an important role in brain development and brain plasticity in the several developmental stages of the human brain. At the cellular level, circadian cycles coordinate complex mechanism that "turn on and off" genes and cellular structures regulating individual cell functions to impact global organ and systems physiological activities. At the end a perfect and coordinated equilibrium in the mental, emotional and physiological is the goal of this complex process. Sleep impacts memory, learning, mood, behavior, immunological responses, metabolism, hormone levels, digestive process and many more physiological functions. We present a review of three basic aspects related with sleep: a. brain electrical activity during the sleep and neuroanatomic correlation with mechanism related with memory and learning; b. circadian cycles and impact in several physiological systems; c some examples of clinical disorders associated with sleep disorders and impact in learning and memory.

Humans , Sleep/physiology , Circadian Rhythm/physiology , Learning/physiology , Memory/physiology , Neuronal Plasticity/physiology , Sleep Wake Disorders/physiopathology , Brain/physiology , Emotions/physiology
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 14(1): 43-47, ago. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102065


El envejecimiento de la población es un fenómeno demográfico de preocupación mundial. Junto al aumento de la población mayor, aumenta también el número de enfermedades neurodegenerativas. La enfermedad de Alzheimer y la demencia frontotemporal, son las principales causas del envejecimiento cognitivo patológico, diferenciando dentro de su progresión al Deterioro Cognitivo Leve (DCL) y la demencia. La memoria semántica permite el procesamiento, almacenamiento y representación de información que subyace la comprensión y uso del significado de todo lo que nos rodea, permitiendo la autonomía en el desempeño de actividades de la vida diaria, por lo tanto, su compromiso conlleva a un estado de demencia. Uno de los principales objetivos de estudio clínico y de impacto en salud pública es la detección precoz de la demencia, dirigido hacia un tratamiento farmacológico, no-farmacológico y manejo psicosocial oportuno. Actualmente, los casos de demencias preseniles y las presentaciones iniciales con perfiles atípicos han aumentado, siendo la memoria semántica una de estas manifestaciones. En Chile existen efectivas herramientas para la detección de un envejecimiento cognitivo patológico, sin embargo, no se cuenta con herramientas evaluativas para un diagnóstico efectivo en casos atípicos.

Population ageing is a demographic phenomenon of global concern. As the elderly population increases, so does the number of neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia are the main causes of pathological cognitive aging, differentiating between Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and dementia. Semantic memory allows the processing, storage and representation of information that underlies the understanding and use of the meaning of everything that surrounds us, allowing autonomy in the performance of activities of daily life, therefore, it's commitment leads to a state of dementia. One of the main objectives of clinical studies and public health impact is the early detection of dementia, aimed at a pharmacological treatment, non-pharmacological, and timely psychosocial management. Currently, cases of presenile dementias and initial presentations with atypical profiles have increased, with semantic memory being one of these manifestations. In Chile, there are effective tools for detection of a pathological cognitive aging, however, there are no evaluative tools for an effective diagnosis in atypical cases.

Humans , Aged , Semantics , Aging/physiology , Alzheimer Disease/physiopathology , Memory/physiology , Cognition , Neuropsychological Tests
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 52(5): e8334, 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001529


Studies have shown that an injection with the histamine H4 receptor agonist VUF-8430 modulates emotional memory processes. In the present study, the aim was to verify if intraperitoneal (ip) injection of VUF-8430 (500 ng/kg) in mice affects the synthesis of proteins required for memory consolidation processes by activating the phosphorylation of CREB (pCREB) in classical structures linked to emotional memory (prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus) and the cerebellar vermis, a structure that has also been recently implicated in emotional memory. The results obtained using western blot analysis demonstrated that VUF-8430 induced a decrease in CREB and pCREB levels in the cerebellar vermis and prefrontal cortex, suggesting that this dose impaired the activation of cell signaling pathways in these structures. There was no change in protein expression in the amygdala and hippocampus. Our results are preliminary, and further investigations are needed to investigate the role of the H4 receptors in the central nervous system.

Animals , Male , Rabbits , Prefrontal Cortex/metabolism , Cerebellar Vermis/metabolism , Receptors, Histamine H4/metabolism , Memory/physiology , Phosphorylation , Stress, Physiological , Prefrontal Cortex/drug effects , Disease Models, Animal , Emotions , Cerebellar Vermis/drug effects , Memory Consolidation/physiology , Hippocampus , Histamine Antagonists/pharmacology
Dement. neuropsychol ; 12(2): 105-113, Apr.-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-952960


Abstract The limbic-reticular coupling theory suggests that the hippocampus and amygdala regulate such descending limbic structures as the mammillary bodies, septum, hypothalamus and epithalamus to regulate the ascending noradrenergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic and cholinergic systems, performing declarative memory consolidation and recall. Recent studies have revealed that, less sensitive to familiarity, the hippocampus functions via the fornix, mammillary bodies and hypothalamus for memory recall. Lesions to the thalamic nuclei were complicated with damage to adjacent fornix, stria medullaris and habenula, simultaneously destroying two kinds of structures respectively for familiarity and recall. Furthermore, the orbitofrontal cortex was shown to be clinically irrelevant for memory recall. Electrophysiologically, the hippocampus regulates the raphe nuclei in complex ways, and the hippocampal theta wave activates the dopaminergic cells in ventral tegmental area and cholinergic neurons in basal forebrain, while cholinergic-modulated theta-gamma coupling mediates cortical recall. These concurrent advances support the limbic-reticular coupling theory for elucidation of memory recall.

Resumo A teoria do acoplamento límbico-reticular sugere que o hipocampo e a amígdala regulam estruturas límbicas descendentes como os corpos mamilares, septum, hipotálamo e epitálamo para regular os sistemas ascendentes noradrenérgico, serotoninérgico, dopaminérgico e colinérgico, realizando a consolidação da memória declarativa e a recordação. Estudos recentes revelaram que, menos sensível à familiaridade, o hipocampo funcionava via fórnice, corpos mamilares e hipotálamo para a recordação da memória. Lesões aos núcleos talâmicos são complicadas com danos ao fórnice, estria medullaris e habenula adjacentes, destruindo simultaneamente dois tipos de estruturas, respectivamente, para familiaridade e recordação. Além disso, o córtex orbitofrontal mostrou-se clinicamente irrelevante para a recordação da memória. Eletrofisiologicamente, o hipocampo regula os núcleos da rafe de maneiras complexas, e a onda teta hipocampal ativa as células dopaminérgicas na área tegmentar ventral e os neurônios colinérgicos no prosencéfalo basal, enquanto que o acoplamento teta-gama colinergicamente modulado medeia a evocação cortical. Esses avanços concorrentes sugerem que a teoria do acoplamento límbico-reticular apropriada para a elucidação da recordação da memória.

Memory/physiology , Mental Recall , Hippocampus , Amygdala
Horiz. enferm ; 29(2): 164-183, 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1222771


Este artículo presenta una intervención educativa realizada por alumnas de enfermería de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, a un grupo de adultos mayores pertenecientes a la comuna de Puente Alto, Santiago de Chile. OBJETIVO: Prevenir el deterioro cognitivo enfocado en la memoria, empoderando a la comunidad en su autocuidado. METODOLOGÍA: La comunidad se conformó por personas de un rango etario entre 60 y 85 años. En la valoración y análisis se utilizó el modelo "Comunidad como Socio" de Anderson y McFarlane, junto a encuestas elaboradas para este trabajo. Se realizó un diagnóstico participativo con el objetivo de definir la necesidad educativa de la comunidad, donde se decidió trabajar el tema "La memoria y la prevención de su deterioro en adultos mayores" en seis sesiones de una duración de 60 minutos cada una. Las intervenciones y actividades realizadas tomaron como base el modelo Educación Participativa para Adultos de Jane Vella. RESULTADOS: Los participantes adquirieron conocimientos sobre la temática tratada en las sesiones y lograron incrementar su autoeficacia. El programa educativo los impulsó a un autocuidado consciente y la prevención del deterioro cognitivo. CONCLUSIÓN: Las metodologías participativas facilitaron a los integrantes a tomar un rol protagónico en la construcción de su propio conocimiento, posibilitando su integración en la vida diaria.

This article presents an educational intervention carried out by nursing students of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, to a group of older adults belonging to Puente Alto, Santiago, Chile. OBJECTIVE: To prevent cognitive impairment focused on memory, empowering the community in its self-care. METHODOLOGY: The community was formed by people of an age range between 60 and 85 years. In the assessment and analysis the Community as Partner model by Anderson and McFarlane was used, along with surveys developed for this work. A participatory diagnosis was made in order to define the educational needs of the community, six sessions were held for 60 minutes each, where the theme was "Memory and prevention of its deterioration in older adults". The interventions and activities were based on Jane Vella's Participative Adult Education model. RESULTS: Participants acquired knowledge about the topics dealt within the sessions and were able to increase their self-effectiveness. The educational program promoted conscious self-care and prevention of cognitive impairment. CONCLUSION: Participatory methodologies facilitate members to take a leading role in building their own knowledge, enabling their integration into everyday life.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Self Care/methods , Health Education , Cognitive Dysfunction/prevention & control , Chile , Learning/classification , Memory/physiology
Biol. Res ; 51: 21, 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950905


OBJECTIVE: To explore the precise mechanism of electroacupuncture (EA) to delay cognitive impairment in Alzheimer disease. Methods N -Acetylaspartate (NAA), glutamate (Glu) and myoinositol (mI) metabolism were measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy, learning and memory of APP/PS1 mouse was evaluated by the Morris water maze test and the step-down avoidance test, neuron survival number and neuronal structure in the hippocampus were observed by Nissl staining, and BDNF and phosphorylated TrkB detected by Western blot. RESULTS: EA at DU20 acupuncture significantly improve learning and memory in behavioral tests, up-regulate NAA, Glu and mI metabolism, increase the surviving neurons in hippocampus, and promote the expression of BDNF and TrkB in the APP/PS1 transgenic mice. CONCLUSION: These findings suggested that EA is a potential therapeutic for ameliorate cognitive dysfunction, and it might be due to EA could improve NAA and Glu metabolism by upregulation of BDNF in APP/PS1 mice.

Animals , Male , Mice , Electroacupuncture/methods , Aspartic Acid/analogs & derivatives , Glutamic Acid/metabolism , Hippocampus/chemistry , Learning/physiology , Memory/physiology , Protein-Tyrosine Kinases/analysis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Membrane Glycoproteins/analysis , Mice, Transgenic , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Random Allocation , Blotting, Western , Aspartic Acid/metabolism , Maze Learning , Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor , Models, Animal , Exercise Test , Hippocampus/diagnostic imaging , Inositol/analysis
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 39(4): 280-284, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043512


Abstract Introduction Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common disorder that substantially decreases quality of life for both mother and child. In this longitudinal study, we investigated whether emotional memory, salivary cortisol (sCORT) or alpha-amylase during pregnancy predict postpartum depressive symptoms. Methods Forty-four pregnant women (14 euthymic women with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder [MDD] and 30 healthy women) between the ages of 19 and 37 years (mean age = 29.5±4.1 years) were longitudinally assessed in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (12-22 weeks of gestational age) and again at 14-17 weeks postpartum. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Results Follow-ups were completed for 41 women (7% attrition). Postpartum EPDS scores were predicted by sCORT collected immediately after an incidental encoding memory task during pregnancy (b=-0.78, t -2.14, p=0.04). Postpartum EPDS scores were not predicted by positive (p=0.27) or negative (p=0.85) emotional memory. Conclusions The results of this study indicate that higher levels of sCORT during a memory encoding task in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy are associated with lower postpartum EPDS scores. While the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis has long been associated with the neurobiology of MDD, the role of the HPA axis in perinatal depression deserves more attention.

Resumo Introdução A depressão pós-parto é um transtorno prevalente que afeta negativamente a qualidade de vida da mãe e da criança. Neste estudo longitudinal, nós investigamos se a memória emocional, o cortisol salivar (salivary cortisol, sCORT) ou alfa-amilase durante a gravidez predizem sintomas depressivos no período pós-parto. Métodos Um total de 44 mulheres grávidas [14 eutímicas com diagnóstico de transtorno depressivo maior (TDM) e 30 voluntárias sadias] entre 19 e 37 anos de idade (idade média = 29.5±4.1 anos) foram avaliadas longitudinalmente no 2° trimestre da gravidez (12-22 semanas de gestação) e na 1417ª semana pós-parto. Sintomas depressivos foram avaliados com a Escala de Depressão Pós-Natal de Edimburgo (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, EPDS). Resultados Quarenta e uma mulheres completaram o seguimento (7% de perda). sCORT coletado imediatamente antes de um teste de aquisição memória durante a gravidez foi preditor dos escores da escala EPDS no período pós-parto (b=-0.78, t -2.14, p=0.04). Memória emocional positiva (p=0.27) ou negativa (p=0.85) não foram preditores dos escores da escala EPDS no período pós-parto. Conclusão Os resultados deste estudo indicam que altos níveis de sCORT durante um teste de aquisição de memória no 2° trimestre da gravidez foram associados com baixos escores na escala EPDS no período pós-parto. Uma vez que o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HHA) tenha sido envolvido na neurobiologia do TDM, o papel do eixo HHA na depressão perinatal merece mais atenção.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Saliva/metabolism , Hydrocortisone/metabolism , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Prognosis , Biomarkers/metabolism , Linear Models , Follow-Up Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Depressive Disorder, Major/diagnosis , Emotions/physiology , Learning/physiology , Memory/physiology , Mothers/psychology , Neuropsychological Tests
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 54(4): 299-308, dic. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844469


Introduction: The differences in the scores observed in the attention, memory and executive functions regarding the use of a cognitive rehabilitation program in patients with long-standing schizophrenia are analysed. Method: The participants were selected through a nonprobability sampling with a purposive sample ofcritical cases (n = 31). It is a causal research, which considers a quasi-experimental design of two groups (experimental and control) with pre and postintervention measures. To measure the variables, the TMTA & B, WAIS, ROCF and the Stroop P & C tests were administered. Results: The intervention had a clinically significant impact on the domains of visual spatial attention and the executive function (speed of verbal information processing), given by the differences caused by the post-intervention means. There were only statistically significant differences of means in the post-test scores for the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test, in the Memory-Time variable, whose treatment has a low impact and false negative rates higher than initially expected. At the same time, regarding the variability of the scores, there were not statistically significant differences for any of the variables analysed. Conclusions: Training the identification of symbols, using memories of details of projected images and simple words association, in a group-competition context with playful elements, have a clinically relevant impact on the rehabilitation of the visual spatial attention and the speed of verbal information processing of patients with long-standing schizophrenia. The statistically significant differences of means require to be considered with care.

Introducción: Se analizan las diferencias en las puntuaciones observadas en atención, memoria y función ejecutiva en función de un programa de rehabilitación cognitiva en pacientes con esquizofrenia de larga data. Método: Los participantes fueron seleccionados mediante un muestreo noprobabilístico con una muestra intencional de casos críticos (n = 31). Investigación explicativa, con diseño cuasi experimental de dos grupos (experimental y control) y medidas pre y post intervención. Para medir las variables se administraron los test TMT A y B, WAIS, F.C. de Rey, STROOP P y C. Resultados: La intervención tuvo un impacto clínicamente significativo en el Dominio de la Atención focalizada visual y en el Dominio Ejecutivo (velocidad de procesamiento de información verbal) dado por las diferencias de medias post intervención. Sólo existieron diferencias de medias estadísticamente significativas en los puntajes post test para la Figura Compleja de Rey en la variable Memoria-Tiempo, cuyo tratamiento tiene un impacto bajo y tasas de falsos negativos superiores a las esperadas. A su vez, respecto a la variabilidad de las puntuaciones, no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para ninguna de las variables analizadas. Conclusiones: Entrenar identificando símbolos, recuerdos de detalles de imágenes proyectadas, asociación de palabras simples, en contextos de competición entre grupo con elementos lúdicos, tiene un impacto clínicamente relevante en la rehabilitación de la atención focalizada visual y en la velocidad de procesamiento de información verbal en sujetos con esquizofrenia de larga data. Las diferencias de medias estadísticamente significativas detectadas requerirían ser consideradas con precaución.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Attention/physiology , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/methods , Executive Function , Memory/physiology , Schizophrenia/rehabilitation
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(11): 3499-3508, Nov. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-828479


Abstract Exposure to high levels of cortisol and self-reported stress, as well as cognitive reserve, have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease pathology. However, there are no studies on the interaction of these variables. The present study aims to assess the associations of measures of cortisol, self-reported stress, and cognitive reserve with neuropsychological performance in healthy elderly people; besides, to test the interactions between these variables. Cross-sectional analyzes were conducted using data on stress, cognitive reserve and clinical conditions in 145 healthy elderly adults. A neuropsychological battery was used to assess executive functions, verbal memory and processing speed. Measurement of salivary cortisol at the circadian nadir was taken. A negative association between different stress measures and performance on tasks of memory, executive functions and processing speed was observed. Elderly people with higher cognitive reserve showed superior performance on all neuropsychological measures. No significant interaction between stress and cognitive reserve to neuropsychological performance was observed. These results indicate that older adults with high levels of stress and reduced cognitive reserve may be more susceptible to cognitive impairment.

Resumo A exposição a níveis elevados de cortisol e de estresse psicológico, assim como à reserva cognitiva, têm sido relacionadas a sintomas da Doença de Alzheimer. Contudo, não há estudos sobre a interação dessas variáveis. Objetivamos examinar as associações de medidas de cortisol e estresse psicológico e de reserva cognitiva com o desempenho neuropsicológico de idosos saudáveis, além de analisar a existência de interações entre essas variáveis. Análises transversais foram conduzidas usando dados sobre estresse, reserva cognitiva e condições clínicas em 145 idosos saudáveis. Usamos uma bateria neuropsicológica para medir as funções executivas, memória verbal e velocidade de processamento. Utilizamos uma medida de cortisol salivar para o nadir circadiano. Encontramos uma associação negativa entre diferentes medidas de estresse e o desempenho em tarefas de memória, funções executivas e velocidade de processamento. Idosos com elevada reserva cognitiva apresentaram um desempenho superior em todas as medidas neuropsicológicas. Não houve interação significativa entre estresse e Reserva Cognitiva para o desempenho neuropsicológico. Estes resultados sugerem que idosos com níveis elevados de estresse e reduzida reserva cognitiva podem ser mais suscetíveis ao comprometimento cognitivo.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Hydrocortisone/metabolism , Cognition Disorders/diagnosis , Cognitive Reserve/physiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cognition Disorders/epidemiology , Executive Function , Memory/physiology , Neuropsychological Tests
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 74(10): 823-828, Oct. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-796845


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the effect of maintenance modified electroconvulsive therapy (MECT) on schizophrenic patients. Methods From June 2012 to June 2014, 62 patients with schizophrenia, who had recovered from a successful course of acute MECT, were recruited. Thirty-one patients received maintenance MECT and risperidone, as the experimental group. Another 31 patients were enrolled in the control group, and received risperidone only. The effects on cognitive functions, clinical symptoms and relapse rate were determined. Results Patients in the experimental group had a lower relapse rate and longer relapse-free survival time than the controls. Relative to the baseline evaluation, patients showed statistically significant improvement in verbal memory and visual memory. At the final assessment, the scores of verbal and visual memory were remarkably lower in the experimental group than the controls but there was no significant difference in other tests. Conclusion Maintenance MECT plus medication is superior to medication alone in preventing relapse and improving cognitive function.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar o efeito da manutenção de eletroconvulsoterapia modificada (ECTM) em pacientes com esquizofrenia. Métodos Entre junho de 2012 a junho de 2014, 62 pacientes, com esquizofrenia e que apresentaram recuperação bem-sucedida após ECTM aguda, foram recrutados. Um grupo experimental de trinta e um pacientes recebeu ECTM de manutenção e risperidona. Os demais pacientes foram incluídos no grupo controle, recebendo apenas a risperidona. Determinou-se os efeitos sobre as funções cognitivas, os sintomas clínicos e a taxa de recidiva. Resultados Os pacientes do grupo experimental tiveram menor taxa de recidiva e maior tempo de sobrevida livre de recidiva do que os do grupo controle. Em relação à avaliação inicial, os pacientes apresentaram melhora estatisticamente significativa da memória verbal e da memória visual. Na avaliação final, os escores de memória verbal e visual foram extraordinariamente menores no grupo experimental do que no grupo controle, mas não se observou diferenças significativas em outros testes. Conclusão A ECTM de manutenção combinada à medicação é superior ao uso apenas de medicação na prevenção de recidivas e na melhora da função cognitiva.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Schizophrenia/physiopathology , Schizophrenia/therapy , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Cognition/physiology , Risperidone/therapeutic use , Electroconvulsive Therapy/methods , Time Factors , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Combined Modality Therapy/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Disease-Free Survival , Secondary Prevention , Memory/physiology , Neuropsychological Tests
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 74(9): 723-729, Sept. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-796042


ABSTRACT The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of crocin on brain oxidative damage and memory deficits in a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) model of Parkinson’s disease. Male Wistar rats were subjected to unilateral injection of 6-OHDA (16 µg) into the medial forebrain bundle and treated with crocin (30 and 60 mg/kg) for six weeks. The rats were tested for memory performance at six weeks after 6-OHDA infusion, and then were killed for the estimation of biochemical parameters. The increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and nitrite levels in the hippocampus were observed in the 6-OHDA lesioned rats, which was accompanied by memory deficits in a passive avoidance test at the end of week 6. Moreover, treatment with crocin decreased TBARS and nitrite levels in the hippocampus, and improved aversive memory. The present study conclusively demonstrated that crocin acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent in the hippocampus of parkinsonian rats and could improve aversive memory through its properties.

RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar o efeito da crocina no dano oxidativo cerebral e nos déficits de memória em um modelo 6-OHDA de doença de Parkinson. Ratos Wistar machos foram submetidos à injeção unilateral de 6-OHDA (16 μg) em MFB e tratados com crocina (30 e 60 mg/kg), durante 6 semanas. Os ratos foram testados quanto ao desempenho da memória 6 semanas após a infusão de 6-OHDA, e, em seguida, foram sacrificados para a estimativa dos parâmetros bioquímicos. O aumento nos níveis de TBARS e de nitrito no hipocampo foram observados em ratos 6-OHDA lesionados, acompanhado por déficits de memória em um teste de esquiva passiva no final da semana 6. Além disso, o tratamento com crocina diminuiu os níveis de nitrito e de TBARS no hipocampo e melhorou a memória aversiva. O presente estudo demonstrou conclusivamente que a crocina age como um antioxidante e um agente anti-inflamatório no hipocampo de ratos parkinsonianos e pode melhorar a memória aversiva através de suas propriedades.

Animals , Male , Parkinson Disease/drug therapy , Carotenoids/pharmacology , Cerebral Cortex/drug effects , Oxidative Stress/drug effects , Memory Disorders/prevention & control , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Parkinson Disease/physiopathology , Parkinson Disease/metabolism , Sulfhydryl Compounds/analysis , Lipid Peroxidation/drug effects , Random Allocation , Cerebral Cortex/physiopathology , Cerebral Cortex/metabolism , Oxidopamine , Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances/analysis , Rats, Wistar , Disease Models, Animal , Glutathione Peroxidase/analysis , Glutathione Peroxidase/drug effects , Memory/drug effects , Memory/physiology , Memory Disorders/physiopathology , Memory Disorders/metabolism , Nitrites/analysis